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About me

My name is Adrien and I'm a french radio ham living in France.

My locator is JN07MS and I live in the city of Naveil, near Blois, Tours.

I was born in 1988 and I'm a radio ham since 2019.

I've created in 2013 a company to design and build 3D printers for individuals, but 95% of our builds are for companies, industries, etc. We love to make very complicated 3D printers with lot of custom adaptations for our clients.

In my spare time, I have a house to restore (lot of work to do !), I like to make other projects like DIY eBikes and lot of things that come through my mind.

I'm married and have two daughters : the first born in 2013 and the other one in 2018.

info/about.1568055529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/09 20:58 by f4ija